NOM-035 and labor welfare in the real estate industry
The management of organizational environments that promote the development and well-being of workers is no longer any obligation for companies, it is now an essential element for the success of any business strategy. Similarly, governments have taken a greater interest in this issue, aware that the working conditions of workers impact public health spending and the economy of the countries.
In Mexico, since 2019, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare implemented NOM-035, Psychosocial Risk Factors at Work, to analyze and prevent psychosocial risk situations at work, and promote favorable organizational environments in the workplace. The second stage of this regulation was scheduled for October 2020; However, it coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused massive infections, economic crisis, unemployment, lower wages, and psychosocial problems derived from confinement, among others.
In the real estate industry, the implementation of the standard became unavoidable, not because of the mandatory nature that the law grants it, but because of the need to have tools that help us to identify the new psychosocial risks derived from the pandemic and to generate protocols for effective health and safety for our employees and their families.
At Grupo Marhnos we align NOM-035 with the culture of corporate social responsibility that governs our business model. As leaders in the development of real estate and infrastructure projects, we know that creating wellness begins at home; For this reason, for more than 65 years, we have focused on promoting the quality of professional and personal lives of our employees and their families, in a work environment where they find a healthy balance between life and work.
This allowed us to quickly identify new health and psychosocial occupational hazards; develop optimal conditions for our collaborators to carry out their activities remotely through the use of new communication technologies; promote new health programs and personalized medical care; develop new work stress analyzes, emotion management forums, thanatology conferences, and grief management for those who have lost loved ones, all under constant and meticulous supervision by the leaders of each work area.
The application of NOM-035 in times of Covid-19 has been fundamental to guarantee the well-being of our employees in the workplace, economic, social, family, and environmental. In this way, despite the effects of the pandemic, we have maintained productivity in an industry that has been seriously affected.
Now, given the staggered return to work centers, the challenge is to maintain synergies between the public and private sectors to design and manage work environments capable of responding to the conditions of the New Normal, oriented towards a culture of well-being for development human and integral of the workers.
As a leading company in the development of real estate and infrastructure projects, and committed to complying with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, we call on businessmen, authorities, academics, and the community, in general, to join forces in this work and promote the well-being of workers in Mexico, starting with our collaborators to advance in the reactivation of the economic, social, political and environmental growth of the country.