Marhnos Well-Being: integral health that generates value
At Marhnos, our collaborators are the heart of the company and the pillar without which it would be impossible to continue advancing and growing; With their work and daily contribution, they make it possible for us to live the purpose of our existence as a company every day: Build Well-being.
For this purpose and after the Covid-19 pandemic, we have given ourselves the task of creating the Marhnos Well-being Program, thinking of contributing to the Wellness and Well-being of those who make up our workforce through actions and activities focused on improving their quality of work, life and their families, based on eight Dimensions of Well-being:
1. Physical. It is based on reducing the risk of suffering from diseases, improving the mood and increasing the energy of the staff, in their day to day. To achieve this, we promote healthy habits through various talks focused on creating a healthy awareness about the importance of physical activity and accompaniment with a personalized coach to exercise from home, active breaks, Zumba classes, as well as participation in sporting events such as the annual Grupo Bimbo Global Energy Race.
2. Emotional. We focus on recognizing feelings in any life circumstance, for this, we carry out classes and talks focused on the control of emotions and stress, mindfulness, emotional wellness and emotional intelligence in order to provide them with tools for the proper and positive management of their health.
3. Spiritual. The search for meaning and personal purpose in an individual way helps to promote peace and inner tranquility. To achieve this, we offer yoga classes, talks focused on finding personal purpose and a significant life project, likewise, we offer professional thanatological help to those who have suffered family losses.
4. Social. We recognize the importance of social support as a fundamental human need that allows us to feel connected with others, which is why we connect with society and the communities where we operate through corporate volunteer actions and donations. We created strategic alliances with civil society organizations such as Junior Achievement Mexico to contribute to the educational gap of the most vulnerable sectors of the population.
5. Intellectual. We cultivate curiosity and continuous innovation, stimulating self-development through programs such as Edumarhnos, which allow us to contribute to the education and training of those who are in our construction projects with the aim of completing their basic education studies.
6. Occupational. Having a job that gives meaning to our lives will allow us to put our values as a company into daily action, therefore, we constantly train on issues of Human Rights, Workplace Violence, Job Satisfaction, Sustainable Leadership, Ethics and Transparency with the purpose of promoting work environments free of violence and discrimination.
7. Financial. Investing time in analyzing and managing the expenses that we have based on a budget are key aspects to achieve full financial health; for this reason, we train our employees and their families in financial education, how to invest the Christmas bonus and create new sources of employment, promoting the culture of savings with the objective of strengthening their economic stability.
8. Environment. The environment in which we live and work has a great impact on our health and is essential to become aware of our individual actions affect it; for this reason, we have various corporate programs to contribute to the care and preservation of the environment through recycling in our offices and projects. In addition, we implement workshops focused on environmental management from home so our collaborators and their families begin to carry out small actions that contribute to improving the health of the planet.
With this program we make a real and concrete proposal where we invite each employee to make the decision to change their lifestyle, favoring their personal well-being and their families with the intention of ensuring the transcendence of our culture in favor of the future generations and the planet.